
What is a Media List?

If you work with marketing or public relations professionals you have probably heard the term “media list” mentioned and wondered, what is a media list? A media list is the prime tool of a public relations specialist. It’s a collection of contacts for trade, local, and broadcast media who are receptive to news tips, story pitches, and press releases. Once an organization or an individual has news to share, the media list is their guidepost for where to send it.

Do I need a Media List?

If you or your organization wants to spread the news about what you are doing, a media list is essential. A media list reaches newspapers, broadcast radio and television stations, bloggers and podcasters. Unlike social media, successful placements in established media outlets give you valuable third-party endorsement of your news. The idea is if someone publishes it (other than you or your friends) it must truly be important!

How do I Develop a Media List?

You can certainly develop a media list yourself, but having a public relations firm put together a media list for you is far preferable.

As public relations specialists for more than a decade, JJR Marketing has developed hundreds of media lists for clients of all types, from nonprofits to Fortune 500 companies. All of our media lists are customized to the client, based on their objectives. We use a powerful software called Cision to curate media lists for our clients, which provides inroads not only with local and trade media but also national news and feature outlets. Most recently we have acquired placements for clients in the New York Times, Forbes, The Chicago Tribune, Yahoo News, and appearances on local networks like NBC, Fox News, and Univision. We also regularly place clients on podcasts as commentators and subject matter experts.

We take the information we receive from our clients and augment the Cision list. We talk to them about where they would most like to be featured, and their comfort level with public speaking, appearing on podcasts, and taking interviews. They may have trade media that they favor, have a personal contact with someone in the media, or have a specific place in mind for a media placement. All of these ideas and contacts are added to their specific list.

We also segment lists for clients. For example, if an organization or individual has two distinct audiences, we will create different lists for each segment of their business. We have clients approve all media lists before we put them into service.

How is the Media List Used?

The media list is used to distribute the news in many different formats, depending on the news, the organization, and what the client is trying to achieve.

Press Releases

A press release is a written piece for the editor’s use “as is.” It tells the who, what, where, when, and why of the news story or event. After we write a press release for the client, we distribute it to the media list and do proper follow-up to make sure it was received and considered. Sometimes the press release is accompanied by a media kit, another public relations tool, which gives even more information about the company for the recipient.

Media Alerts

If the press release is to publicize an event, we may send a press release well in advance and then a “media alert” as the event draws near. A “media alert” is a notification that something live is happening. For broadcast media, these alerts serve as an invitation for broadcasters to show up and get some great video for the evening news. And they often do!


If the event being publicized is for a nonprofit, we can also pursue public service announcements (PSAs) for our client. PSAs are short, thirty-second spots to read on the air by television or radio stations. PSAs can be effective but are not an option for for-profit organizations unless their efforts are having a direct positive effect on the community.


A pitch is an idea for a story presented to editors or reporters. We will brainstorm publicity story ideas with clients and then use the media list to identify editors who may be interested. At JJR Marketing, we have lots of already strongly established relationships with editors and reporters as well as podcast hosts and social media influencers. We know what they look for and deliver what they want, so our story pitches usually meet with success.

Media lists are an important tool that can be useful for anybody with news to share. If you would like to see how some public relations can help your organization, contact us today to discuss your needs.

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