
Living a Life of Significance

By Jackie Camacho-Ruiz


Sig·nif·i·cance (/siɡˈnifikəns/)

  1. The quality of being worthy of attention; importance.
  2. The meaning to be found in words or events.

No matter who you are, where you live, or what you do, you are given one life to live on this Earth.

What will you do with that life?

Some of us live intentionally, with a plan and a bucket list of things to do. Others never give tomorrow a second thought, or possibly live in fear that today may be their last. Others try to live a life that is as meaningful as possible to them and the people around them..in other words, a life of significance.

Living a life of significance can mean a lot of things to many people, but to me, living a life of significance means a life that touches as many people as possible in positive ways. This is how I try to live my life every day with the people I meet, the people I serve, and the people who love me. I try to live my life in a way that will uplift others and help them reach their dreams, even as I reach for mine.

Another word for it is living as a Servant Leader. As I lead my team, make an impact in the community and help others become more, I live to serve others and keep this at the forefront of my agenda. It’s how I ended up launching my non-profit, the Fig Factor Foundation, which unleashes the amazing in young Latinas. It also helped launch an international movement, spun from my Today’s Inspired Latina book series which celebrates victory over adversity in Latina women.

I have a few “secret weapons” I use to keep me aware of this mission as I go through my day. They help me sleep better at night, knowing I have done all I could for others.

Write thank you cards.

Psychologists, life and wellness coaches, inspirational speakers (and this author too!) will tell you that counting your blessings and thinking about what you are thankful for during the day is very empowering. Gratitude begets more gratitude, and it’s a positive emotion to introduce into your life. Professionals also believe it leads to more happiness and healthy, emotional well-being. When someone does something for you, be sure to send a thank you card.  “But I send thank you emails!” you may protest. It’s just not the same. There’s something warm and personal about handwritten notes these days, particularly because it shows that you took an extra step—your own handwriting and putting something in the mail—to make it happen. Emails are great. Handwritten cards are better!

Actively think of others throughout the day.

In the car, walking between meetings or in the few moments of silence in my day, I try to think of those who have made it possible for me to do what I do: my family, my clients, my co-workers and everyone else who is special to me. This goes hand in hand with remembering who got you where you are. No one has reached their current level of success alone. Others have helped us, whether it was a friendly word, writing a testimonial, or referring us to someone we needed to meet. When you are in the presence of these “gifts,” remember who first gave them to you..and maybe take time to thank them that day.

Surprise others with unexpected gifts.

Gifts need not be expensive. They can be as simple as bringing coffee or a box of pastries to a meeting or introducing a bit of fun into a strategy session. I like to make gifts of the books I’ve written through the Fig Factor Foundation, as they may relate to my clients. Gifts make others feel valued and significant in your life. Gifts don’t have to be material, either. When we take the time to sit and listen to a friend talk about a difficult situation, or we pitch in and help someone in need, we are making a gift of ourselves to someone else and living significantly.

Go beyond what is expected to support others.

What do you need?  These are amazing words that can lead to incredible things for the receiver and that speaker as well.  When others ask a favor, dig down and see how you can best help them, even if it is not part of their request. If they ask you to spread the word about something, support it with your resources too. If they ask for a donation, offer to help other ways. If they ask you to volunteer, offer to lead. “One up” your support, and you will find yourself serving selflessly and living more significantly than ever before.

Send unexpected appreciated messages of appreciation.

Servant Leaders are always thinking of others and sharing what they know and learn in order to empower them. When you read something online or watch a video that you think someone would appreciate, share it with your circle, along with the reason you think they would enjoy it. You never know the impact that sharing the right “something” may inspire or empower someone else.

Offer your value and ideas to others.

To do this, you need to get out of your own ego and concentrate on the other person. As an entrepreneur, I find myself doing this daily as I not only offer clients exciting marketing ideas, but also any resource or referral that will help them with an unrelated problem they are having. Sitting on boards, offering internship, and mentorship programs are other ways you can impact other lives significantly and receive so much in return.

I don’t know about you, but I hope to positively touch as many people’s lives as I possibly can before I leave this earth. Join me in introducing these “secret weapons” to your life and enjoy a life of serving others and living significantly!

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