By Jackie Camacho-Ruiz The previous blog talked about how to craft the foundation of your mission, finding the “why,” solidifying your vision, and being consistent in your messaging and commitment. It described my efforts in establishing the Fig Factor Foundation and how I built an evangelistic group of supporters for Today’s Inspired Latina. Now we continue with the rest of the story of how to build a community. After you have a solid foundation in place, what do you […]
By Jackie Camacho-Ruiz When you have a passion and a mission to take a message to the world, you can’t do it alone. You must build a community! Building a community happens intentionally or even on accident. A well-placed, catchy hashtag, meme, or funny video can launch a movement and build a community of like-minded thinkers across cyberspace. An event, like a rally or protest, unites people in a mission to produce change or maintain the status quo. But […]
By Jackie Camacho-Ruiz When it comes to excitement, corporate event planning has it all! It’s amazing to conceive the big vision of an event, then make sure all the details are in place for the big moment when things begin to unfold. I have planned so many events, from small retreats and workshops of a dozen or so, to large events like the Today’s Inspired Latina book launch, attended by nearly 500 people. While the size, time and place […]
By Jackie Camacho-Ruiz After 11 years as head of JJR Marketing, a Chicagoland marketing firm serving start-ups to Fortune 500s, I still delight in helping companies find the “right recipe” for their marketing. Like a chef experienced with different ingredients, I’ve found that not all marketing is the same, or designed for the same results. For some businesses, preparation of their marketing is the challenge while for others, it’s how to serve it up, or even, how to invite […]
1. How to Win Friends & Influence People By Dale Carnegie You can go after the job you want—and get it! You can take the job you have—and improve it! You can take any situation—and make it work for you! Dale Carnegie’s rock-solid, time-tested advice has carried countless people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. One of the most groundbreaking and timeless bestsellers of all time, How to Win Friends & Influence People will teach […]
By Jackie Camacho-Ruiz The only way to develop a successful legacy is to create a culture that can continue. Legacy is not about building a business like a machine and then being able to walk away and leave it chugging along. It is in the language and atmosphere that you build with your employees that allows your business to continue to grow and innovate in a changing world. There’s no doubt that innovation has lots of air to breathe […]
By: Jacqueline Camacho-Ruiz A touch point in your business interaction is defined as any point of contact between you and your customer/contact. In other words, anything that has your company logo on it is essentially a touch point. It could be an email, newsletter, billboard, phone call, brochure, etc. In business, every single one of your touch points should be cohesive, consistent and strategic, constantly elevating your business reputation. For a personal brand, every touch point becomes even more […]
By Karen Dix, Senior Content Specialist If you asked a cowboy in the old west to show you his brand, he’d point to the seared flesh of one of his cows. “That’s my brand,” he’d say. “That cow is mine.” Nowadays, the word “brand” is used quite broadly and can mean many different things to today’s consumer and/or business owner. But it still has something in common with those metal irons—it marks what is someone else’s. What’s a Strong […]
By Jacqueline Camacho-Ruiz If you are always wondering “why is that…?” or “what if…?”, you may be in possession of a great amount of Intellectual curiosity! Intellectual curiosity is the desire to pursue, enjoy, and engage in learning opportunities and is beginning to replace the IQ as the measure of a person’s general potential. In school, students are many times pigeonholed as “gifted” or “remedial” based on standardized test scores without any regard to their intellectual curiosity. Yet research […]
By Shirley Mott, Content Specialist Welcome to a new year! Flipping the calendar to 2017 is a blessing to some of you; you’re ecstatic to leave 2016 behind and dig into a fresh beginning. Others, who perhaps didn’t think about goals or what they should improve on, approach the New Year with trepidation. JJR Marketing is greeting this new year with lots of excitement. A new theme, one that implies reaching new heights and growing, will guide the JJR […]