
Monthly Archives: June 2015

24 Jun 2015

Journaling: The Secret Art of Achieving your Dreams

Before you start reading this entry, ask yourself the following questions: Have you ever wondered… …what it takes to make things happen in your life? …what is one of the most powerful tools to make your dreams a reality? …why some people achieve incredible success while others don’t, despite their hard work? …why it is so hard to bring the physical manifestation of your desires to life? For many years, I have used journaling as a way to manifest my […]

01 Jun 2015

5 Servant Leadership Traits – Use Them to Transform your Organization

Since Robert K. Greenleaf in “The Servant as Leader” coined “servant leadership”, an essay first published in 1970, it is generally accepted that being a servant first is the foundation of servant leadership. But what does this mean and can it possibly move your organization from good to great? At JJR Marketing, we like to keep our definition simple: Servant leadership is the act of serving others with pure intentions. Look out for other people and don’t expect anything in […]