Finding The Voice of a 40-Year Old Organization and #1 Chapter in the Country
NAWBO Chicago was seeking a marketing agency that would help them revamp their current outreach efforts as well as create brand awareness in the community. After a detailed RFP process, JJR Marketing won the business. The initial project included creating a new blog, newsletter and reaching out the media. It was not long before JJR realized that a very fundamental part of the brand was missing: the positioning statement. This fact, coupled with the 40th year anniversary, made it a perfect opportunity for JJR Marketing to go beyond the call of duty and give the organization a unified voice. JJR Marketing was able to find their voice through our signature mind mapping exercise. After the Positioning Statement reveal, you could hear a pin drop. The board members looked at each other and said, “yes, this is it.” The excitement was in the air. JJR Marketing had beautifully capture their voice. The rest of it is history… JJR continues to be NAWBO’s Chicago marketing agency of choice producing engaging and powerful content, media relations and supporting the YEA! Program for the youth.
- Created a strong positioning statement that created a unified vision, emotion among board members
- Created 40th year anniversary commemorative mini book with members’ inspirational quotes that was distributed to all attendees at their annual meeting, first time it was ever done
- Raised the monthly blog and newsletter readership by at least 50% and increased the click-through rates
- Gathered many media placements for the programs
- Total Headline Online Impressions for press release distribution 32,268